Saturday, March 29, 2008

One Two Three ....

Had been out of touch with the latest movies, release dates, pre-release antics, etc. in Bollywood for some time now, mainly because of no time (*roll of the eyes*), and no TV at our new home (*very sad face*) !!

But now, since the last week, both problems got solved, and I am back on the circuit (*proud smile*) !! :-)

The first movie (and its songs) that I noticed when I got back to my music channels (a horde of them nowadays, difficult for me to even keep track of all of them), was One Two Three. Trailors showing Paresh Rawal selling *kachcha-baniyaaan*, and Tushar Kapoor as a wannabe *bhai*, with Suneil Shetty, Vrajesh Hirjee (whom I really like a lot, especially since his stint in RHTDM), and a horde of heroines, made it an immediate must-watch, especially after I was making a comeback and had almost forgotten what E-Square looks like from inside !! To the extent, that I was not even waiting for the reviews this time :-).

So, first-day-last-show tickets were booked ((incidentlally, not at E-Square), and the movie was seen!! Excellent performances all around, except for all the ladies and Upen Patel, which leaves us only with the 3 Laxmi Narayan's, the 2 Dons, and Alberts and Pintos :-p !! I feel it would have been an excellent movie, had it been woven together properly. The indiviual hilarious moments were many, but for some reason, the tempo is not maintained. The plot, well it cannot be called a plot, but even that could have made for a good watch, if the entire story had been concentrated upon the 3 Laxmi Narayan's rather than giving equal screen space to the rest of the bandwagon, like it had been done in Hera Pheri, with minimal focus on Kabira and Deviprasad.

Tushar Kapoor, I loved him in this movie, because he is playing himself for once :-)!! The typical fattu, wannabe, under the rest of the family's shadow types character, that he is in real life, is portrayed with ease!! Paresh Rawal is as hilarious as ever, and just continues from where he left (in one of his earlier movies, I don't even remember which)!! Suneil Shetty, great job, with his *aapka left ya mera left* antics!! The first Don (Manoj Pahwa) with his two-liners, the second Don (Mukesh Tiwari) with his "s"s everywhere (a spinoff from Javed Jaffry in Salaam Namaste), Sanjay Mishra (Alberts) with his Jeevan accent, and Vrajesh Hirjee (Pintos) with his usual stuff, make a perfect team!

The title song and the *Rock Mahi* track are great, according to me, I have them on my playlist on loop currently :-).

And this kinda completes my *review* in typical Taran Adarsh style (as GB would put it) :-).
Some of the two-liners from the Don to conclude .....

बंदूक से निकला फौलाद ..... और पेट से निकली औलाद ..... वापस नही जाते !!

एक बॉल पे दो चौके ..... और एक लाइफ मी दो मौके ..... कभी नही मिलते !!

जवानी पे चढा शबाब ..... और ज़ोर से लगा पिशाप ..... ज्यादा देर नही रुकते !!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

लारी छूटी ..... के लारी मिल गई ??

So ..... I am no longer a bachelor (this realisation has just started to sink in, after more than 3 weeks of *not* being single) ..... and allow me to make a public confession ..... I am loving it !! (to be said in the McDonald's style) :-)

My first post as a *married* man !! :-)

Had been thinking for a long time, as to how to break the news on the blog. Not that it matters, how I put it up here .... coz most of the people who venture onto this blogspace already know about it!! But its still something to think about :-).

As we were about to leave today morning, as usual, I had been humming along a song (that is usually stuck in my head because of an overdose of listening to it the previous day, till I change the entire playlist, so that I can get it out of my head, to end up listening to just one new song for the entire day again, and hum it along the next morning ..... and the cycle continues ..... you get the picture :-)).
And suddenly, she says, "These lyrics kinda match with what has been happening to you over the last few days, isn't it ??".
And then I had to hum through the lyrics all over again, to *hear* them this time, and I realised, that they did kinda match with whats been going on with me lately :-). So now hear I was, hearing and writing out the song in देवनागरी, the way I like it.
But, I also did realise as I wrote it, that the base of the song is *unexpected*, things of copper suddenly turning to gold! And that is NOT how it has happened to me, meaning, I always knew things were "golden", just that I did not know that they were in reach :-)!! (समझदार को इशारा काफ़ी है !). Well, so what I have done, is highlighted (in red) the parts that I can identify with :-).

So here goes .....

वोह कहते है ना ..... जो होता है ..... अच्छे के लिए होता है ..... गलद कहते है !!

किस्मत का खेल है सारा ..... फिरता था मैं आवारा ..... ये क्या से क्या हो गया .....
चार दिन की जिंदगानी ..... हर पल एक नई कहानी ..... क्या था मैं क्या बन गया .....

क्या हुआ जो लारी छूटी ..... जीवन की गारी लूटी ..... ख्वाब है तो मुझको ना जगा
जिंदगी एक पल मे साली ..... यू पलट गई हमारी ..... झूठ है तो मुझको ना बता !!

मुम्बई ..... सुना था यहाँ आदमी पुरी जिंदगी अपनी किस्मत .....
slow track से fast track लाने मे निकाल देता है .....
पर ढाई घंटे मे मेरी किस्मत .....
slow track से fast track पर जाएगी .....
यह मैंने कभी सोचा नही था .....
सजा मजा बन जाएगी .....
भी कभी सोचा नही था !!!
last local क्या छूटी .....
किस्मत पटरी पर गई !!

कर लू जो भी करना है ..... होता है जो होना है .....
गुजरा तो पल ये ..... फ़िर ना आएगा .....
क्या बुरा है .... क्या भला है ...... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है .....
हो जाने दो फ़िर ...... देखा जाएगा !!

क्या हुआ जो लारी छूटी ..... जीवन की गारी लूटी ..... ख्वाब है तो मुझको ना जगा
जिंदगी एक पल मे साली ..... यू पलट गई हमारी ..... झूठ है तो मुझको ना बता !!

वोह कहते है ना ..... जो होता है ..... अच्छे के लिए होता है ..... सही कहते है !!!

Wishing Sonal and myself a very *Happy married life* !!! :-)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

V-Day Special

मी तिला विचारलं, तिने लाजून होय म्हटलं

सोनेरी गिरक्या घेत मनात गाणं नाचत सुटलं !

काय म्हणालात ? यात विशेष काय घडलं ?
त्यालाच कळेल ज्याचं असं मन जडलं !

तुमचं लग्न ठरवून झालं ?
कोवळेपण हरपून झालं ?
देणार काय ?
घेणार काय ?
हुंडा किती ?
बिंडा किती ?
काड्या किती ?
साड्या किती ?
याचा मान,
त्याचं पान,
सगळा मामला रोख होता,
व्यवहार भलताच चोख होता !

तुम्हाला हे सांगून तरी कळणार कसं ?
असलं गाणं तुमच्या कड़े पळणार कसं ?

पण ते जाऊ द्या,
माझं गाणं गाऊ द्या !
मी तिला विचारलं, तिने लाजून होय म्हटलं
सोनेरी गिरक्या घेत मनात गाणं नाचत सुटलं !

Wishing everyone a *Very Happy Valentine's Day* !! :-)

[courtesy: A mail fwd, I am not @ all good at poetry :-)]

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shell Age - Manfred looking for Ellie

Absolutely hilarious article here.

There is a sad truth to the world today. I am part of a dying breed of people known as "shell users." We are an old-fashioned bunch, preferring the warm glow of a green screen full of text over the cold blockiness of a graphical interface. We use ssh, scp, and even occassionally ftp. Back in the days before high-speed connections ("broadband"), we would dial up during off-hours to avoid being slammed with huge phone bills. The whole "Microsoft Windows" fad will fade away sooner or later, but in the interim, our kind is facing extinction.

Because there are fewer and fewer of us, I must help keep our lineage alive. I am looking for someone to help me do this. I need a woman (obviously) who is willing to raise a child with me in the method of Unix. Our child will be introduced to computers at a young age, and will be setting emacs mode before any other child can even read. I earn a sufficient income to support a family in modest comfort. Other than the fact our child will be bright, text-based and sarcastic, we will otherwise be a normal family. We will even go to Disney World and see Mickey Mouse.

So, if you are a woman between the ages of 23 and 43 who is ready to raise a child in the way of the shell, let me know so we can begin the process. (If you are ready to raise more than one child, even better.)

PS - yes, this is for real. Given the right person, I would obviously propose before we ... call fork().
PPS - I only set emacs mode for my ksh session. I only edit files using vi. Just wanted to clear that up. And I'm looking to raise the child(ren) as a dedicated couple, so if you aren't interested in being married, you may wish to select() a different posting.

N.B. - on the issue of relocation. I live in a place where my income/expense ratio is proper (i.e., greater than 2:1). I'm willing to live anywhere in the world where this remains true. I've been to much of the country as well as foreign nations. There are no limits to where I will live *so long as the job market for unix admins is robust enough to be sustainable.* And yes, I am interested in a strictly monogamous situation. I've been known to actually turn down offers of "two chicks at the same time."

An even more hilarious discussion about this article here.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Of elevators and people !!

We have 2 elevators in the building where our office is, which are controlled by a central dispatch pad located on each floor. A very typical setting nowadays ..... I know ...... nothing out-of-the-world about this ..... I know ..... but given the number of people using elevators thus described ..... why do they commit the same *stupid* mistakes ..... I do NOT know !!!!

Seriously, everyday, I come across at least one person, who commits at least one of these. And if you have the time and the patience, do observe that person carefully (well, maybe not too carefully, if it were a lady, she might just slap you), it could also tell you quite a bit about the personality.

So ..... you are inside the elevator (going up or down doesn't make a difference), and you reach your floor. The doors open, and this horde of people just starts barging in !!! I mean, take a look around people, you have the entire corridor to yourselves (how many ever you might be), and there's not more than 6 or 7 of us inside this cubicle of 5' x 5' !! Not only that, but most of the times, some of us are wanting to alight, which is going to make SPACE FOR YOU to come in !!!!! Can you not hold on for a couple of seconds ?? Take a cue from the local train commuters in Mumbai ..... :-)

Why do people think that they are so important, that they should TELL the elevator, where it should be going ? So ..... a person, who has to travel to the ground floor, is standing on floor 3 (lets say, of a 6 storey building). Both the elevators are at some floor below him, and SO, this person presses the UP key. And this is because he feels that the lift should be coming UP, in order to pick him up, and take him to his destination !! Dude, you should not be telling the lift where IT should go, you should be telling it where YOU want to go !! Is this asking too much, is this not common-sense ? Do you tell a shopkeeper what HE should be selling, or do you tell him what YOU want to buy ???

And then, there are those people, who feel that they are so smart, that only when their divine fingers touch the keypad, will the elevator move, and all those stranded on this floor would be saved !! So ..... you are on the lowest floor (parking or ground or whatever), meaning everybody HAS to travel up. Somebody has already pressed the UP button, very clearly advertised by the red indicator light. In spite of this, this person walks up, rather impatiently, and purposefully pushes the same button far into the wall, and that too a number of times !! My good man, we still do not have finger-print recognition on the elevator control pads, in buildings with IT offices (which is a lot of buildings), in India, for you pressing the key to make a difference. Or do you just want to show off in front of the well-dressed female (standing alongside me, though not with me), that you have something very important awaiting you upstairs (which is incidentally not important enough for him to take the steps :-)) ??

Obviously, you also get to see a combination of these categories, and mark my words, it DOES tell you a lot about the personalities. Let me not get into HOW for now, because I am still in the process of evolving my theorems in this context :-).

To end, all I can do, is empathise with the poor lift-man (who casts knowing, help-less glances at me and my like, especially when his elevator stops mid-way for no apparent reason, and the other patrons look at him rather accusingly), and appeal to the above described category of people as:
"My dear people using elevators, please also use your brains too once in a while!!"

A related and very interesting article here.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

मेरा जहाँ ......

Great work Mr. Prasoon Joshi (lyricist), Mr. Shankar, Mr. Ehsaan, Mr. Loy (Music) and Mr. Adnan Sami (for his dreamy voice, and dreams is basically what this song is all about :-)).

A little sweet, a little sour,
A little close, not too far.
All I need, all I need, all I need,
Is, to be free !!

चूम लू मैं, इतना करीब,
चल पडू, तो कितना दूर .....
सपनो का बुना sweater सा warm,
सफेद बादलों के पार .....

मेरा जहाँ !!!!!!!

Let me in, without a shout,
Let me in, I have a doubt.
Let me in, without a shout,
Let me in, I have a doubt.
There are more, many more,
Many many, many more, like me !!!!

अकेला नही मैं,
खुली आखों से, नीन्द मे चलता,
गिरता ज्यादा, कम संभलता,
फ़िर भी न कोई, शक ना शुबा,
निकलेगा फ़िर से, सूरज जो डूबा,
हैरत हो सबको, ऐसा अजूबा
है ..... मेरा जहाँ !!!!!!!

Open eyes, how I run,
How I run to the other side,
Then I glide, like a bird,
I just want to be !!!!!!!

उड़ने को सौ पंख दिये है,
चढ़ने को खुला आसमा .....
मुड़ने को है करवट, करवट,
और बढ़ने को ..... मेरा जहाँ !!!!!!!

बचपन के, दिन चार,
ना आएँगे बार बार,
जिले जिले, मेरे यार,
जेब खाली, तो उधार,
जी जिंदगी ..... !!!!!

A lot has already been said about the movie, so no point in re-iterating. Excellent movie, very well handled, and backed up some awesome music and lyrics.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Sachin's Cricket Ground

Seriously, why don't they just re-christen the "Sydney Cricket Ground" to be called the "Sachin's Cricket Ground" ??

4 matches, 6 innings, 4 not-out's, 652 runs at a whooping average of 326.00, 3 centuries and just the 1 fifty. And all of this is just till date (the second innings is yet to commence :-)).

Whatever happens to the match, I do not care ...... because The Man is back (if he ever was away) ...... the jinx is broken (if it ever was there) !!!

Also, I would like to thank Bhajji from the bottom-most part of my heart, stomach, whatever ..... for staying put through an entire session, unlike some others (who should not be in the team in the first place, especially for this series).

Long Live The Little Master !!